This page is dedicated to
our fellow classmates who have passed away (In
alphabetical order by last name, women by maiden
last name)
"There is no distance too
far between friends, for
friendship gives wings to
the heart. In memory of our
departed classmates."
Bruce Allen
Michael Appleby
Kandy Loann Arnold
Kevin Gene Baugess
Daniel Russell Belding
Michael Black
Michael W. Bourland
Charles E Bright
Ray Brooks
Danny Paul Brown
Steve Brown
Tommy Brown
Tom Bruton
Cathy Butler
Leslie Cobb Sala
Gregory Alan Codrey
Michael Charles Connor
Randy Currier
Deby Despault
Frank Ronald Dickson
Larry Dombski
Ed Doolittle
Kathryn Suzanne Duke
Russell Patterson Duncan
Stephen Robert Edlich
Todd W. Eustice
Darrell Feck
Cindy Fine
Phillip D. Gastineau
Rex Gates
Jeffrey Gaughan
Dean Gebbs
Blu Gentry
Mary Kay Goodman Carlson
Eric Green
Vickie Green Burman
Douglas B. Grovenburg
Elizabeth Guerrero
Jean Halverson Currey
John Hawes
Bubba Hoff
Mike Honeyman
Charles Ingram
Calvin Jacobs
James Michael Johnson
Curtis M Kanada
Michael A. Keith
Thomas Allan Keith
Grace Elizabeth King
Janet Lynn Kumery Powell
Jon Lamb
Anna Looper McCreary
Janet Lundy-Fann
Sheryl (Sherry) Lynn Marrs-Rinehart
Anthony Matthews
Chris McAfee
Michael (Mike) Edward McCurdy
Mark McGilbray
Stephen Louis McNamar
Donna Meadors Terbush
Mason Lee Mitchell
Sheri Molloy Webb
Gregory Scott Moore
Michael A. Moore
Stan Muldor
Mark Music
Margaret E. Nelson
Mark Newell
Christopher Carl Niemeyer
Elaine Northern
Meley Palmer
Crista Kathleen Parks-Worrall
Phil Pfankuch
Sheryl Lynn Randall Weirick
Janet Rice
John Roach
Steven B Roach
Lori Robertson Brooks
Ricky Rogers
Jennifer Joan Rosser Darnell
Victoria Rounds
Vickie Rounsaville-Millard
Anita Raye Smith
Kelly Layne Smythe
Joel Spain
Sue St. Clair
Winona Stafford
Jeffery Steinborn
David Stockwell
Richard Stolley
Patricia Thomas
Leah Thompson McIntosh
Ray Thompson
Andria Tinsley
Neil Trowbridge
Paul Warren
Greg Weiche
Matt Wiley
Mary Glenn Winfrey
Diane Wood
Patrick Wright
Lauren York